eBook: Answering questions with analytics

Fuel pricing
Petroleum pricing in Canada — the Q3 2022 report
Declining crude prices, coupled with contracting refining margins, led retail gasoline prices to fall nearly fifty...

The benefits of adopting software in the fuel pricing function
A spreadsheet is a prevalent tool in the arsenal of a Fuel Pricing team. However large your organization and advanced...

Fuel pricing: spreadsheets vs software
Why many fuel retailers still rely on spreadsheets — and considerations to make before switching to software

Fuel pricing self-help during a state of emergency
When natural disasters strike, it reeks havoc across the nation - with the most recent hurricane Ian now over, the...

3 ways to learn about retail fuel pricing sensitivity
Of the many elements that can affect the success of a fuel retailer's business, retail fuel pricing is one of the...

Fuel Pricing self assessment checklist
This self assessment will help you to gauge current capabilities within your Fuel Pricing team.

Kalibrate Canada: 2022 half-year data is now available
Rising pump prices may be a contributing factor to lower Canadian gasoline consumption.

Kalibrate moves to new offices at Circle Square in Manchester
Our move to Circle Square in the heart of Manchester's innovation district will enable us to be part of a specialist...

C-store changes could decrease revenue in California
Our Single Site Analysis team recently investigated the potential for a new to industry gas station and convenience...