eBook: Answering questions with analytics


Fuel pricing

Fuel pricing

The story behind the UK fuel crisis

For those of us in the UK, one thing has been dominating the news this week and that’s the “panic buying” of...

The story behind the UK fuel crisis
Fuel pricing

Using intuition, knowledge, and experience in fuel price testing

Kalibrate believes that the most successful fuel pricing teams combine AI, data science, and robust processes with...

Using intuition, knowledge, and experience in fuel price testing
Fuel pricing

NACS 2021: Why visit the Kalibrate stand?

In case you needed any more reasons to visit Kalibrate at NACS, here's a few areas we've been working on in recent...

NACS 2021: Why visit the Kalibrate stand?
Fuel pricing

How to overcome fuel price automation anxiety

For Fuel Pricing Analysts, the workload can be relentless. The process of analyzing, calculating, and applying prices...

How to overcome fuel price automation anxiety
Fuel pricing

The logic of price testing

This white paper examines the logic behind price testing, the benefits of running price tests, and best practice...

The logic of price testing
Fuel pricing

The logic of price testing — why price test at all?

You could change your fuel pricing strategy without any testing — but could you accurately conclude if your new...

The logic of price testing — why price test at all?
Fuel pricing

Meet the Kalibrate team: Beth Thompson, Global VP Customer Success

In any personality test I always come out as a “fixer” — and that’s absolutely accurate. I love to find...

Meet the Kalibrate team: Beth Thompson, Global VP Customer Success
Fuel pricing

Meet the Kalibrate team: Arlen Armenta, Customer Success Consultant

 I believe that data is the key to success. I’ve seen first-hand how using data to inform decision making can...

Meet the Kalibrate team: Arlen Armenta, Customer Success Consultant
Fuel pricing

Why pump prices in Canada are rising

The price of gasoline in Canada has been steadily rising since the end of 2020, and now with the summer driving...

Why pump prices in Canada are rising

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