eBook: Answering questions with analytics


Fuel pricing

Fuel pricing

May 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot

We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

May 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot
Fuel pricing

The Kalibrate fuel round up: May 2023

In this monthly feature, we look across the industry and mainstream news to uncover some stories of note that we...

The Kalibrate fuel round up: May 2023
Fuel pricing

April 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot

We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

April 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot
Fuel pricing

The Kalibrate fuel round up: April 2023

In this monthly feature, we look across the industry and mainstream news to uncover some stories of note that we...

The Kalibrate fuel round up: April 2023
Fuel pricing

Petroleum pricing in Canada — the Q1 2023 report

Despite lower crude prices, gasoline prices rose in the first quarter, while diesel prices declined upon lower...

Petroleum pricing in Canada — the Q1 2023 report
Fuel pricing

March 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot

We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

March 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot
Fuel pricing

The Kalibrate fuel round up: March 2023

In this monthly feature, we look across the industry and mainstream news to uncover some stories of note that we...

The Kalibrate fuel round up: March 2023
Fuel pricing

Sustainability in the fuel industry: diesel and biofuels

Pure hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO 100) is a biofuel often made from waste oils (cooking oils, residue animal fats,...

Sustainability in the fuel industry: diesel and biofuels
Fuel pricing

February 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot

We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

February 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot

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