Kalibrate Canada: 2022 half-year data is now available
Canadian retail unleaded gasoline pump prices have steadily climbed in Canada since the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Q2 2020, reaching record high levels in Q2 2022. In contrast, Canadian gasoline consumption has remained stubbornly low, having yet to return to pre-pandemic levels. As of Q2 2022, Kalibrate Canada data shows Canadian consumption of gasoline still remained ten percent lower than the same quarter in 2019. High pump prices could be a contributing factor to lower consumption among other factors.
Find out market trends in more than 370 markets and towns in Canada with Kalibrate’s newly released year-end data. Submit your request for volume data here.
Market coverage of volume data is available in a variety of means – nationally, provincially, regionally, municipally, or by unique competitive area. See a complete list of the markets we survey on our website here. Or use Kalibrate’s SiteSelect online mapping tool to find sites available in the Canadian database.
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