eBook: Answering questions with analytics




TrafficMetrix®️ and you: your guide to getting the most value out of traffic data

Turning data into insight is a critical consideration for professionals working in a number of industries.

TrafficMetrix®️ and you: your guide to getting the most value out of traffic data

Your journey to the best available traffic data

TrafficMetrix® is the long-established, go-to source for inspiring and assuring site decisions for retailers, OOH...

Your journey to the best available traffic data

TrafficMetrix®️ evolution: your need to know on the latest changes to Trafficmetrix®️

We’ve made improvements to the way we gather and process data, and added some new features to the product.

TrafficMetrix®️ evolution: your need to know on the latest changes to Trafficmetrix®️

Request a TrafficMetrix® sample

Inform your decision making, achieve maximum customer volume, and empower commercial impact.

Request a TrafficMetrix® sample

Traffic data - is it just for fuel and convenience retail?

Analyzing the patterns of passing traffic in a specific location over a defined period of time is hugely valuable for...

Traffic data - is it just for fuel and convenience retail?

Four questions to ask your traffic data supplier

Traffic data is an essential component to planning financially-savvy business decisions or refurbishments.

Four questions to ask your traffic data supplier

How to predict the impact of changes to your fuel retail network

Every strategic action you take, and every adjustment a competitor makes, has an impact across your market.

How to predict the impact of changes to your fuel retail network

AI and machine learning in fuel retail: transparency first

As we’ve noted time and again, once a thing of science fiction, artificial intelligence is now a real and integral...

AI and machine learning in fuel retail: transparency first

The decline of fossil fuels and the rise of the service mindset

Without a doubt, the fossil fuel market is on the decline.

The decline of fossil fuels and the rise of the service mindset

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