eBook: Answering questions with analytics
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Leading the charge: the acceleration of the EV market
Anila Siraj, Head of Data Strategy, explain why retailers will need to pay close attention to EV drivers' behavior as...
Meet the Kalibrate team: Crissy Bird, Client Services Consultant
"I have great rapport with my clients, we collaborate as partners and have a great deal of mutual respect for each...
Preparing for demand recovery: put data at the heart of your fuel retailing strategy
Anila Siraj, Head of Data Strategy and Jason Parent, Head of Insight Products, look at the US and Canadian markets'...
Using traffic data for strategic location planning decisions
Traffic data often reflects traffic at a static point in time, but using historic trends and reliable future...
Hammes Healthcare forms exclusive partnership with leading retail analytics provider, Intalytics
Hammes Healthcare, a leading provider of consulting and project management services, has formed an exclusive...
In-ground cost vs replacement cost
Natalie White and Elena Lau discuss in-ground cost vs replacement cost when creating a price position to maximize...
How can cleanliness help to drive more revenue from your gas station?
“Cleanliness is next to godliness”, as the old saying goes, and while we can’t verify the truth in that, we can...
Kalibrate acquires Intalytics to expand its global analytics portfolio
Intalytics is the third acquisition in the past 12 months, signaling the company’s ambition to expand operations...
Bridging the gap – Current traffic count data
Due to the costs associated with collecting data, cutbacks have been taking place and the frequency and coverage...