Site selection solutions

The gold standard approach to site selection needs quality data, bespoke modeling, and deep domain expertise, to truly know which locations offer the best potential.

retail site

Knowing your place: data-driven decisions

Real estate mistakes used to be part of the process; many brands accepted that bad sites would make it through their pipeline. That isn’t true for decision makers today.

An organization’s location strategy is one of the most crucial components to success. Knowing which markets to enter and how profitable a location is likely to be is just the start of a winning site selection strategy.

Create a robust site selection process to identify white space potential and grow your brand

Understanding which markets offer the best potential to grow allows you to act with confidence, save time, and maximize return on your brick and mortar investment. Kalibrate helps you through each stage of your expansion.

  • Discover how many stores a market can support and the optimal deployment strategy
  • Build a roadmap of opportunities across new and existing locations and markets
  • Quantify cannibalization through transfer studies when opening new locations or assessing acquisitions

Wherever you plan to grow, data-driven approaches to whitespace analysis give you greater certainty that your next big opening will be a success.

site opening

Act with confidence: sales forecasting

Most organizations know that good site selection decisions are underpinned by accurate sales forecasts — but what methodology should you use?

  • Select the most appropriate approach to trade area definition for your brand
  • Analyze relevant location data sets including existing store performance, consumer profiles, demographics, and foot traffic or mobility data
  • Apply appropriate methodologies to account for a range of competitive, site, and situational impacts

Kalibrate helps you unlock micro-local insights through sales forecasting. We provide off-the-shelf or custom models to help you validate location decisions with meaningful and accurate sales forecasts.


Measuring cannibalization

A critical consideration of expansion is determining the impact that opening a new location will have on existing locations in that same market. Organizations utilizing our site selection software can empower their portfolio planning decisions.

  • Define trade areas for your locations to understand where potential overlap is likely to occur
  • Utilize your in-house data alongside third-party demographic data, mobility insights, and much more, to get a complete picture of your market
  • Model the impact of openings or acquisitions by conducting transfer studies to maximize the capital return on portfolio level decisions

Quantifying how the potential transfer of sales will affect current store performance requires a high quality data and a team experienced in the application of location analytics.  Organizations that get it right find the best commercial real estate, faster.

Our gold standard site selection software

Our site selection software combines your data, relevant third-party data, plus our gold-standard proprietary modeling approaches, to gain insight that helps you realize the potential of your brand’s real estate strategy.

  • Assess your existing portfolio
  • Conduct whitespace analysis to power your location strategy
  • Identify new locations based on sales potential
  • Create sales forecasts
  • User friendly interface

Industries we work with

Kalibrate provides site selection analysis across a range of industries

The Kalibrate approach

We believe in a statistically smarter, data-driven approach to growing your organization.

First-party data

  • We analyze all data at your disposal as the foundation of everything we do. The more robust your data, the more bespoke your solution can be.

Thirdy-party data

  • Kalibrate leverages the best available information when building analytics solutions. That’s why we partner with leading third-party data providers. With so many high-quality data sources at our disposal, we can create more flexible and dynamic solutions for our clients.

Mass mobile data

  • Mobile device data uncovers valuable location insights from millions of consumers. Whether you’re studying your own locations or a competitor’s, we provide unparalleled trip pattern analytics.


From machine learning to layered ensemble modeling techniques, Kalibrate offers more proprietary approaches to predictive models than any other location intelligence provider.

Trade area delineation

  • 15-minute drive-time polygons isn’t how trade areas work in the real world — and we believe a real-world methodology is the only way to deliver real-world results.

Customer profiling

  • Our proprietary customer profiling approach unearths the demographic and psychographic factors that matter most.

Competitive analysis

  • We evaluate your competitive landscape in a variety of ways – critically, to factor in the positioning of competitors relative to your locations and to the consumers you can serve.

Site characteristics assessment

  • Site and situational issues can significantly influence performance, yet are often overlooked. Analyzing these factors ensures your ability to objectively assess their impact on locations
Getting the data and methodologies right will only take you so far – the specialist knowledge of our team is what helps you go further.

For real estate professionals, by real estate professionals

  • Many members of our product development and customer success teams previously worked client-side, making location decisions every day.

Experience across verticals

  • Our team possesses an extensive background in site selection analysis across retail, healthcare, pharmacy, fuel, convenience, service retail, and more, so we understand the problems you’re trying to solve.

Working globally

  • Working in over 70 countries across the world, our team has extensive experience in markets at all levels of maturity and development.

Ready to make better location decisions today?

Speak to a member of the Kalibrate team

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