Site selection in the Metaverse

Dave Huntoon and Carrianne Cusack from our location intelligence team discuss how brick and mortar site selection principles can be applied in the rapidly evolving Metaverse. This seminar was recorded at the Kalibrate Innovation Summit 2022 and is a lively, engaging presentation with real insights for businesses looking to gain a foothold in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is a rapidly emerging online space that hit the wider public consciousness when Facebook changed the name of its social media empire to Meta in late 2021. Virtual reality worlds have been created in the past with limited success, but what is going to make the Metaverse take off and become part of the digital mainstream?

The answer might lie in established retail site selection tools and techniques being transferred over to the virtual world.

This webinar is presented by Dave Huntoon and Carrianne Cusack and was recorded at the Kalibrate Innovation Summit in May 2022. They are both location analytics experts and bring along their informed insights to this discussion from an industry perspective.

Dave is a retail veteran who has helped hundreds of bricks-and-mortar businesses establish themselves in new markets using retail, data, and analysis tools to identify optimum retail locations.

Carrianne is relatively new to the industry and is a Senior Location Research Analyst who works with well-known brands to undertake market studies for store locations around the US and beyond. Both are excited by the potential of the Metaverse and what this rapidly evolving technology can do for retail location intelligence in the next few years.

If you are planning to move your brand into the Metaverse in the coming year and hope to establish a presence in a virtual-reality shopping mall, games arena, or supermarket, then using the tried and tested site selection principles might still be valid for brands looking to expand into new markets.

Join Dave and Carrianne by watching our webinar to find out more about the Metaverse, what challenges companies can expect to encounter along the way, and why the future of the Metaverse will depend on balancing growth potential, long-term viability of the platform, and the overall brand experience for the end-user.

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