eBook: Answering questions with analytics

Fuel pricing
November 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot
We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

EV trends to look out for in 2024
Looking to 2024, we’ve picked out just a few trends in the EV space that fuel and non-fuel retailers should be...

The Kalibrate fuel round up: November 2023
In this monthly feature, we look across the industry and mainstream news to uncover some stories of note that we...

October 2023 Canadian Petroleum Price Snapshot
We conduct a daily survey of retail gasoline, diesel, propane, and furnace fuel prices in 77 Canadian cities....

Understanding EV charging demand
The challenge for most retailers seeking to understand EV demand will be bringing together disparate data sources to...

Meet the Kalibrate team: Tom Hatton, SVP of Pricing
"I love collaborative working and my role puts me in the middle of several Kalibrate teams, giving me a front seat in...

The five biggest pitfalls of analyzing fuel data (and how to overcome them)
Today, as a fuel pricing analyst, you need to be informed, proactive, strategic, and most of all, certain.

The Kalibrate fuel round up: October 2023
In this monthly feature, we look across the industry and mainstream news to uncover some stories of note that we...

Petroleum pricing in Canada — the Q3 2023 report
In the second quarter, gasoline prices climbed to a 7-month high while diesel prices reached their lowest level in a...