Meet the Kalibrate team: Anthony Vanikiotis, Senior Director – Account Management

"Shoppers are seeking more than just a traditional physical store; they want a memorable experience."

At Kalibrate, we believe our success is driven as much by our people as our technology. This blog post introduces Anthony Vanikiotis, Senior Director – Account Management, and gives an insight into what he brings to our business.

What’s your role at Kalibrate?

Initially, I served as a Project Manager, which provided me with a thorough understanding of client implementations and deliverables. Subsequently, I managed Operations and led the Client Solutions team for several years. In my current role, Senior Director – Account Management, I am primarily customer-facing, engaging with new clients and existing clients on a daily basis.

What does a typical day look like?

My daily routine is never fixed as I am always on standby to answer any unexpected questions that may arise. I spend a considerable portion of my day engaged in client-facing discussions. Instead of viewing myself as a vendor, I see myself as a partner to clients I work with. Additionally, I work closely with the support team to identify any potential issues that require immediate attention. I also stay updated with the product team’s developments to provide clients with an insight into what to expect in the upcoming months and Kalibrate’s future plans.

What do you love about your role?

The most satisfying part of my role is being able to provide support in solving the business challenges of each client and assisting them in answering any queries that they have. As every retailer, property owner, broker, or developer is unique; each engagement presents a fresh opportunity. Additionally, as I have been with the company for eight years, it is gratifying to observe our clients’ progress and development over time.

Why did you choose to join Kalibrate?

After completing a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Management from the University of Rhode Island, I spent a few years employed at Hasbro in their operations department. In 2015, an opportunity presented itself at Trade Area Systems (acquired by Kalibrate in 2020) and I was extremely interested since I was always drawn to the field of real estate. Realizing the opportunity and feeling ready for a change, I made the switch and it turned out to be a perfect match.

What do you think are the greatest challenges and opportunities
in the retail sector?

Identifying the location of your target customers is both the most significant challenge and opportunity. Post-Covid-19, the location for the work base customer and home customer should be stable. However, depending on your business model and location, the composition of your conventional ‘traffic’ may differ significantly from pre-pandemic times.

Where do you see these markets heading?

The notion that ‘retail is dead’ gained popularity during the pandemic but now there’s evidence of stronger foot traffic than before. Shoppers are seeking more than just a traditional physical store; they want a memorable experience. In my opinion, the overall customer experience is going to be of high priority since customers still prefer to try on, inspect products, or share their experience on social media while making a purchase. Therefore, the in-store experience will play a critical role in the success of retailers in the future.


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