Creating a fuel pricing center of excellence
Regardless of your market’s current phase of pricing maturity and regulation, creating and maintaining an efficient and effective fuel pricing function can often prove to be a challenge.
In markets moving toward deregulation, these challenges are focused around trying to establish your fuels pricing center in unknown territory. These markets function in spaces where the customer base has yet to be educated via experience with deregulation, meaning both territory and consumer preference are somewhat unknown.
In mature markets, the challenges are in the volatility arena; not only do you need to survive, but volatility and competition make it so that you must thrive in order to be considered an established, valuable presence long into the future.
Creating a department (meaning, going beyond just a function) within your organization that is exclusively dedicated to pricing fuel, can help. Whatever your market’s stage of regulation, three key elements of pricing success come into play:
- People
- Pricing (Strategy)
- Process
Of course, in a regulated market, such a department is unlikely to be a requirement. Your price is set based on the price (and fixed margin) that is provided to you, and creating a fuel pricing function is less of a concern.
However, regardless of the stage of market maturity, considering your overall brand positioning strategy, and how it would manifest itself is valuable because – you will need to grow and change with your market.
If you can get out ahead, why not?
Let’s dig into each of the components of crafting a fuel pricing center of excellence.
Involve the right people
No matter the size of your organization, folding the right people into your pricing center is a key component of success. If you have one part of the business setting a strategy, another part performing the associated tactics, and another working on reporting, then the cohesive nature of an actual strategy will be lost, and you will fail to benefit from the ongoing analysis and iteration that could be propelling your performance. Centralization of your pricing function is paramount. But specialization is, as well.
Additionally, each role needs certain capabilities in order to execute the strategy and control its use and growth. The individual in the pricing strategist role must have the control and authority to encourage action. They should be empowered to incorporate art, science and experience into their efforts and decisions.
The executor and the analyst role must have the right data, tools, and clarity around strategic priorities and the desired outcomes in order to report effectively.
As you craft your team, consider:
- Who is the champion?
• Who makes the final decisions?
• What skill sets are required for each function?
• Do your team members have executive buy-in for their roles’ existence and capability?
Answer the why
To craft a fuel pricing center of excellence, you must find your reason. No pricing strategy is sound without a reason to exist. That’s because your organization requires a direction — a motivator. What are you moving toward? Where should your brand be in three years? In ten years?
Once you’ve answered this, you can begin to design (or hire someone to design) your pricing strategy.
Develop the strategy
Strategy is not simple. It’s not something you can spin up overnight. It must account for your position as a brand, today and into the future. How do your brand position and the tactics associated with your strategy align with your greater organization goals, and your current pricing power?
The pricing process (which we’ll address in the next section) cannot be an effective one without an effective strategy underlying it. Developing a strategy involves understanding your reasoning and goals, and then moving into defining tactics associated with those goals. Be strict about not mixing your strategy and tactics.
For example, “We will provide value to our customers through our price position” is not the same as “We will adjust our pricing based on competitor pricing only because, we are in direct competition with a nearby location and our customers are price sensitive.” The former is strategic and the latter is tactical.
Create the process
Once you’ve determined your strategy and involved the right people, it’s time to execute.
When you execute tactics based on your strategy, your analyst must report back on the success of those tactics, allowing you to adjust your strategy as you learn.
At this stage of technology development, no fuel pricing process should remain manual. Instead, manage by exception. In other words, your pricing changes and data gathering must be automated in order for you to perform, and track your performance — but human input and decision-making must come into play when required.
As you develop your process, ensure you have governance in place, integration with your other systems available, and the right toolkit for analysis — or opportunities to continuously improve will be lost. Right from the start, your process must allow room for growth as your market matures.
Final requirements
The largest and most valuable requirement for creating a fuel pricing center of excellence for your business is balance. Just as you cannot act based on experience or emotion alone, without incorporating science, you cannot price using a process alone. You also need the right people and the right strategy — along with the right capabilities from a technological standpoint.
Finding the balance between people, process and strategy is critical.
Last but not least, remember to value and encourage transparency at all turns. Without it, you cannot gain buy-in, and your process cannot function effectively.
Read more about fuel pricing strategies
Fuel pricing strategies, one size doesn’t fit all
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