Accreditations and compliance
We’re continually committed to increasing our security, policies, procedures, and processes in line with globally recognized standards.

Kalibrate is SOC certified
SOC (System and Organization Controls) is an American standard that belongs to AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants).
Kalibrate retained international business advisory firm Marcum LLP for its SOC 1® and SOC 2® audit work, covering Kalibrate Location Intelligence, SiteIntel, Trailblazer, Kalibrate Pricing, Kalibrate Planning, and Kent Charting product suites. A service organization may select any of the below trust service principles applicable to their business. Kalibrate chose to report on them all.
- Security
- Availability
- Processing integrity
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
SOC (System and Organization Controls) is an American standard that belongs to AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants).
Kalibrate retained international business advisory firm Marcum LLP for its SOC 1® and SOC 2® audit work, covering Kalibrate Location Intelligence, SiteIntel, Trailblazer, Kalibrate Pricing, Kalibrate Planning, and Kent Charting product suites. A service organization may select any of the below trust service principles applicable to their business. Kalibrate chose to report on them all.
- Security
- Availability
- Processing integrity
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
The SOC 1® Type II examination is performed by an independent auditing firm and is intended to meet the needs of the management of user entities and the user entities’ auditors, as they evaluate the effect of the controls at the service organization on the user entities’ financial statement assertions.
SOC 1® report
Our SOC 1® report is available to current Kalibrate customers upon request, subject to the appropriate non-disclosure agreements. Please contact your Client Services representative.
Audit period: 12 months (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)
Next audit period: 12 months (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025)
SOC 2® engagements are performed in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) AT-C 205, Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization and based on the trust service principles outlined in the AICPA Guide: “Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy”.
SOC 2® report
Our SOC 2 report is available to current and prospective customers upon request, subject to the appropriate non-disclosure agreements. Please contact your Client Services representative.
Audit period: 12 months (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)
Next audit period: 12 months (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025)