Play your part in the electric vehicle revolution

The arrival of alternative energy vehicles represents the biggest disruption of the 'refuelling’ market in many years. For gas stations, convenience stores, and retailers alike, the opportunity to attract drivers and create new revenue streams is too big ignore.

Ready to get started on your EV strategy?

Kalibrate can help you quickly find the optimum locations for charging facilities and build a compelling retail offering to service your customers.

How do you find the best sites to install EV chargers?

Our extensive expertise in location intelligence allows you to assess individual sites, your entire network, or potential future locations to create your charger placement strategy.

  • See where EV drivers are located now and throughout the adoption curve as more make the switch
  • Explore retail drivers, points of interest, substation supply, and your competition, to discover where opportunities exist
  • Rank your sites to support investment decisions and maximize potential ROI

Discover who your EV customers are and the types of retail experience that will appeal to them

We use powerful insight to help our customers make decisions based on the location and preferences of EV consumers.

  • Understand who the EV drivers are now and in the future, and how the EV driver changes as we move up the adoption curve
  • Determine the best offering for your EV consumer to maximize the value of the relationship while they charge their vehicles
  • Project how your trade area will change to ensure your EV strategy stays aligned with your market

Hear how we've supported a major fuel retailer on their EV journey.

Identifying the best sites to place EV chargers

Kalibrate helps develop EV charger placement strategy

“A major fuel retail brand and long-term Kalibrate client wanted to find the best locations to roll out EV charging facilities.”



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Electric vehicles have arrived, and fuel retailers are uniquely positioned to stake their claim for the drivers of tomorrow.

The movement from ICE engine towards an electric future has gathered pace in recent years and more fuel retailers are looking at how to optimize their sites and network in response.

Kalibrate has extensive experience in supporting network planning decisions and is already helping our customers;

  • Plan which sites should be prioritized for EV charger deployment now
  • Understand the adoption curve to create a strategy for the EV drivers of tomorrow
  • Make network planning decisions in response to regulatory change in areas ICE engine vehicles may be restricted
  • Understand which ancillary services will deliver best returns based on the consumer profile of EV drivers then measure cross-shop and conversion.

For decades fuel retailers have trusted Kalibrate to help them make better location planning decisions. As electric vehicle use grows, we’re here to help you build for today and plan for tomorrow.

Many retailers are already seeing the benefits of offering EV charging facilities to their customers, are you ready to join them?

The charge time for an EV is typically much longer than refueling an ICE vehicle, and consumers are keen to occupy themselves while they wait. This represents a significant opportunity for retailers to attract drivers to their stores and grow new revenue streams.

  • Assess your portfolio to discover which sites are the best fit for EV charger placement
  • Learn more about the consumer preferences and behavior of the EV driver to tailor your retail offering to maximize the value of the relationship
  • Understand cross-shop and conversion, so you can measure the return on investment when installing EV chargers

EV drivers want to charge their vehicles in locations with plenty of points of interest to keep them occupied while they wait. Retailers with the right offering can attract a new type of driver and the associated spend, while building strong customer relationships for the future.

Charge point operators are experiencing high demand for their services, but how can you identify which territories represent the best opportunities?

As more and more types of businesses recognize the value of offering charging facilities to their customers, Kalibrate can help you find the areas to prioritize based on EV adoption and demand, and help you support retailers in building the business case for charger installation

  • Analyze consumer demographics and segmentation around proposed locations to provide insight into the presence of the early adopter and early majority
  • Provide supporting analysis of conversion from charging to ancillary services through comparative analysis
  • Identify the best locations and business to target for charger placement through hot spot analysis taking into account current and potential demand

Kalibrate is already engaging with a number of charge point operators to help them cement their place in the EV infrastructure supply chain.

Frequently asked questions

    • In a market where the technology is evolving at break neck speed – relatively – there will always be a mix of chargers and speeds of chargers, similar to mobile phones in some ways
    • For business that don’t want to fall behind the EV curve, waiting is not an option, EV drivers expect to find EV chargers, and want these to be available everywhere they park. You can lose money, lose your core revenue, if customers have to go somewhere else to charge their car. Also, you lose the opportunity to attract new customers who drive EVs.
    • Companies that have a plan for electric vehicles are going to benefit from the rapid and exponential ramp of EV sales in this country.
  • Very simply, you need to position yourself for the future

    • The short term the business case will be driven by the ancillary offerings, understanding what your consumer wants to do with the time it takes to charge, and how you can capitalize on the revenue opportunities that this presents
    • But not all require up front investment, look for rebates, incentives, gov’t schemes that can help you fund the investment, these won’t last forever
    • You should have a roll-out plan that allows you to benefit from these, identify which facilities you install chargers on, what types of chargers, and how best to build over time
    • There is a steep cost associated with building battery swapping stations when you have to consider temperature and storage, and the cost of batteries themselves, which are one of the most expensive components of an EV
    • Realistically, this would only ever be option for passenger vehicles not larger commercial vehicles
    • We would need to get to a position where there are universal batteries in EVs
    • There are a number of significant challenges that need to be overcome before this becomes mainstream
  • The Kalibrate team works around the globe. We are dedicated to helping fuel and convenience retailers of all sizes make smarter business decisions faster — regardless of market maturity.

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