Gas station and c-store staff interview questions

Gas station and c-store staff interview question examples
Staff turnover is a big issue in the gas station and c-store industry. NACS reports that average turnover in 2020 was 123%, and often, employees quit without notice — leaving stores under-staffed, and staff under pressure.
In this industry, customers come to your store for convenience — but they come back for the experience. And you can’t offer a great experience without a great team. Recruitment for your gas station is an important aspect to get right.
This interview question template will help you to hire the staff you need in your gas station and convenience store.
Staff turnover is a big issue in the gas station and c-store industry. NACS reports that average turnover in 2020 was 123%, and often, employees quit without notice — leaving stores under-staffed, and staff under pressure.
In this industry, customers come to your store for convenience — but they come back for the experience. And you can’t offer a great experience without a great team. Recruitment for your gas station is an important aspect to get right.
This interview question template will help you to hire the staff you need in your gas station and convenience store.