Canadian national petroleum retail site census

Unrivaled insight into the Canadian petroleum retail market
Canadian petroleum retail site census blog image

Unrivaled insight into the Canadian petroleum retail market

The 2023 National Retail Petroleum Site Census, researched and published by Kalibrate Canada, Inc., is a comprehensive enumeration of Canada’s petroleum retail outlet population. Purchase of this report includes:

  • Sites counts by province sorted by brand and marketer
  • Historical site counts
  • Annual site throughput trends
  • Retail landscape summary
  • Trends in outlet features and offerings
  • Regional comparison

Purchase of the report includes the full report in PDF format as well as appendix data in Excel Spreadsheet format. Appendices include:

  • Appendix A: Retail Petroleum Site Census – by brand
  • Appendix B: Retail Gasoline Brands and who owns them
  • Appendix C: Retail Petroleum Site Census – by marketer
  • Appendix D: Gasoline Marketers and their fuel brands
  • Appendix E: Who controls the pump price
  • Appendix F: Non-traditional versus traditional marketers

Pricing is as follows:

  • Current report – 2023 Canadian retail petroleum site census: $1,200 + tax
  • 2022 Canadian retail petroleum site census: $800 + tax
  • 2021 Canadian retail petroleum site census: $600 + tax
  • 2012 – 2020 Canadian retail petroleum site census: $400 + tax