eBook: Answering questions with analytics

Fuel pricing
Meet the Kalibrate team: Crissy Bird, Client Services Consultant
"I have great rapport with my clients, we collaborate as partners and have a great deal of mutual respect for each...

Preparing for demand recovery: put data at the heart of your fuel retailing strategy
Anila Siraj, Head of Data Strategy and Jason Parent, Head of Insight Products, look at the US and Canadian markets'...

In-ground cost vs replacement cost
Natalie White and Elena Lau discuss in-ground cost vs replacement cost when creating a price position to maximize...

Pricing manually? It's a bold move
Natalie White explores the dos and don'ts of manual pricing, and why changing your settings, rather than your prices,...

Meet the Kalibrate team: Daniel Welborn, Senior Account Executive
"Kalibrate understands that if you are not constantly innovating, then you’re falling behind. The data science and...

Meet the Kalibrate team: Gillian Capper, Service Delivery Manager
“Without sincerity and integrity, I wouldn’t be able to build the relationships I do with Kalibrate clients.”

Meet the Kalibrate team: Oliver Shaw, Chief Executive Officer
"I am confident in the quality of our products, our ability to deliver rich insight, and the data science that backs...

Pricing trial outcomes – what we see during trials and what the different results tell us
Everyone asks us what our trials are like – let’s talk about them!

Meet the Kalibrate team: Robert Gardner, Technical Engineer
"Every day I start work and I’m greeted with a new challenge, and at the end of each day I’m proud of the help...