The customer experience: Adopting Kalibrate Location Intelligence

We are often asked what the evaluation and onboarding processes look like when prospective clients are considering licensing our proprietary Kalibrate Location Intelligence (KLI) platform. Here, we lay out what a typical timeline entails.

Before you become a client

After engaging with Kalibrate, you’ll enter an initial discovery process guided by members of our business development, sales, and solution consulting teams.

This initial step serves as a fact-gathering exercise. We’ll spend time first understanding your location intelligence goals and objectives in working with Kalibrate. We’ll then work to better understand the first-party data available to you, relevant third-party datasets that are of need/interest, and the scale and associated sophistication of anticipated platform users.

Kalibrate supports a wide range of tenants at varying life stages – from pure startups to mature concepts. If you’re uncertain as to the path of least resistance to answer a particular question about your location strategy, there’s a good chance that our team has tackled a comparable challenge before. As such, we recommend that clients lean into the experience of our team whenever they need guidance.

During the discovery and evaluation phase, we provide customized demos of KLI that are tailored to your use cases. For some clients, discussions focused on data centralization and synchronization are of greatest importance. For others, exploring key features such as our mobility-based analytical module (Competitive Insights) are the focal point for demonstration.

Our software solutions are customizable to ensure that we are effectively meeting you where you want and need to be met. The discovery process helps us to collectively agree where and how KLI is best placed to meet your decision-making requirements.

What data can you use?

We understand that every sector has unique datasets and data-related considerations. As such, we’re committed to providing you with flexibility and configurability.

We can integrate your customer/patient data, your location data and associated location performance history, pipeline locations, and any additional data points related to either existing or potential locations of interest.

Each client varies in terms of the internal data sources available to support their location decisions. We believe that data centralization is a critical capability to empowering efficient, informed decisions. As such, we aim to accommodate as many of your first-party datasets within KLI as possible.

Kalibrate also believes in taking a “data neutral” approach to third-party data vendors. We have a bevy of data partners globally that provide demographics, segmentation, points of interest, mobility, financial, geosocial, and other datasets. We constantly investigate and evaluate new and emerging datasets to enhance our solutions. If there’s a specific data set of need or interest, we are happy to explore sourcing it for you.

“Typically, clients will bring their real estate portfolio including their current operating locations, closed locations, and any locations that they would like to track in the future. And along with that location data, clients will want to bring along site metadata. That includes things like current sales data and historical sales data, along with more abstract things like lease information, location strategies, or customer loyalty data. We’re very flexible.”

Glenda Bemis, VP Customer Delivery & Support


At the outset of a new client partnership, we assemble a project team that will work in support of you. This team is led by an experienced account manager, many of which have prior client-side experience in analytics, market research and real estate roles. We believe this dynamic helps both the initial onboarding and ongoing relationship management, as our team has first-hand experience with and an appreciation for your challenges, responsibilities, and needs.

“Step one of onboarding is getting a clear understanding of what the client wants, how they want it, and getting it set up for them. While these conversations take place, we pair you up with a customer success specialist to train you on the KLI tools and features. The training isn’t just for the software, but also a session covering the administrative tools of KLI Management Studio. It really helps cut down on waiting and when clients get into the platform, they have a great base to start exploring and creating their own configurations as they see fit.”

Glenda Bemis, VP Customer Delivery & Support

Another important member of the project team that you’ll interact with once initial access to KLI has been enabled is your customer success manager. Your customer success manager will deliver training sessions to get your licensed users up and running.

Ongoing support

We believe in providing continuous support to ensure you’re extracting maximum value from the KLI platform and through our larger partnership.

Once you’re up and running, you’ll then work closely with our support team on an ongoing basis. They will serve as your day-to-day resource to answer any platform-related questions. Like you, our support team will have access to the management studio feature within KLI, giving you the power to introduce new data sets independently or with our assistance.

Our KLI platform also includes a support center that contains instructional videos and guides to help you navigate features and functionality. You can also request new features and vote on requests made by other users.

Your account manager will continue to lead meetings on a regular cadence to update your team on new feature releases, third-party datasets that could prove valuable, and analytical modules and functionality that may be of interest. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that you’re getting everything you need from KLI.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, Kalibrate administers a Net Promotor Survey of our clients on an annual basis. The objectives of the NPS survey are to gain an indication of how clients feel about our tools and service, solicit feedback as to what they’d like more (or less) of, and inform our product development roadmap.

Upgrades and futureproofing

We recognize that your location intelligence needs are likely to evolve over time. Markets change – and so do your challenges. Our overarching goal is to ensure that our solutions continually align with your business needs, providing you with the agility and flexibility you need to stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.

KLI is a highly configurable and scalable platform. As new business questions surface, as new datasets emerge, as new professionals join your team, we’re here and happy to work with your team to accommodate.


>> Learn more about KLI here.

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