Q1 2023 Kalibrate Location Intelligence platform update

This release includes some updates to the data management studio and the addition of a demographic data dictionary.

We are very excited to reveal the Q1 2023 Kalibrate Location Intelligence platform update. This release includes some updates to the data management studio and the addition of a demographic data dictionary.

Custom date ranges in Competitive Insights!

Navigate to the Competitive Insights dashboards and select your own date range. Users can view their specified range in weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals.  

A thematic data range calculator has been added to management studio.

This functionality allows users to leverage an algorithm that suggests a number of breaks and ranges that most accurately represent a dataset without having to scan the raw data. The algorithm supports equal counts, equal ranges, natural breaks, and custom inputs. Visualize thematics with the most accurate representation possible with this addition.  

  • To access this feature, navigate to “Data Maps,” select “Edit Range,” and then “Create Range Thematic.”  

Management Studio now has a Demographic data dictionary

The demographic data dictionary allows you to create custom variables based on given raw data. To be able to view these custom variables on the KLI Online map, follow these steps. 

  • A user logs on to Management Studio with the goal of visualizing the percentage of a total population that makes more than $50k per year. They would like to see this displayed on the map in KLI Online. 
  • In Management Studio, the user accesses a given demographic data set that contains the total population and annual income. 
  • The user can then implement a formula that digests two given variables to create their custom variable which in this case is the percentage of total population who makes more than $50k a year.  
  • This custom variable can then be utilized in demographic reports and thematics.  

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