Taking your network to the next level with PPQ analysis

How can Performance Potential Quadrants be used to accurately assess sites in your network and your competitors'?

Kalibrate’s network optimization is predicated upon advanced data science and analytics. Not only does this in-depth insight enhance clients’ understanding of their network performance and potential, but it also informs investment and acquisition decisions, keeping them at the forefront of their markets.

One of the most effective and comprehensive methods of site assessment is Performance Potential Quadrant analysis. It can be used to analyze whether your existing network is fit for growth, showing you which sites to invest in or divest from. It helps you clearly visualize what your site has the potential to achieve based on the strength of its location, so you can measure against its true performance.

Client Services Consultant Elizabeth Kershaw demonstrates how you can support your strategy by efficiently mapping each site in your portfolio from star performers to those at risk.

As well as unlocking the potential of any of your own underperforming sites, PPQ analysis can also be used to assess your competitors’ portfolio. It’s an invaluable resource for discerning the best opportunities to target in their network, maximizing your return on investment. You can accurately inform your decision-making by modeling each option and scoring them according to the 7 Elements for Fuel and Convenience Retail Success.

Our use case video explains how you can compare the profiles of acquisition targets to gain detail on what’s driving performance.

The benefits of PPQ analysis exemplify the competitive advantage of combining your own knowledge with Kalibrate’s complete database and analytical expertise. Our industry-leading data science underpins the latest iteration of our network planning solution — request a demo of Kalibrate Planning 3.0 to discover how our powerful tool can enable your network to grow further.

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