How can QSRs understand sales potential across different sales channels like restaurant, delivery and drive thru?

Kalibrate CEO, Charles Wetzel, spoke on the Fast Casual's podcast series about assessing the potential of different sales channels

Appearing on Fast Casual’s podcast series, Charles Wetzel was asked:

How can QSRs understand sales potential across different sales channels like restaurant, delivery and drive thru?

This differs depending on your location. Your offer might be different if you’re based in a downtown area vs a rural area, or in different regions. Because it all depends on your customers and your competition.

The trade area and the demand within that trade area is key. You need an understanding of what’s already available in the market and what do customers within that market need?

Over the past few years we’ve seen a lot of QSRs go from some third party delivery to 50-70% having third party delivery. But this isn’t entirely reliant on the characteristics of your location. It requires you to have a product that transports well. Do you have a product that when delivered, still carries the consistent message and marketing that represents your brand well? Is delivery affordable?

We’re seeing a lot of experimentation that extends far beyond delivery options. We’re seeing QSRs that have never offer drive thru test out drive-thrus, we’re seeing others add multiple drive-thrus. The amount of space reserved for dining in is shrinking in some places so more room can be offered to people walking up for take out. Some restaurants are creating ways to separate customers and third party delivery collections to enhance the customer experience for those that choose to dine in.

Watch or listen to the full podcast here.

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