Meet the Kalibrate team: Brian Strickland, Senior Director, Account Management
At Kalibrate, we believe our success is driven as much by our people as our technology. Here, we meet Brian Strickland, Senior Director, Account Management.
What’s your role at Kalibrate?
I am a Senior Director on the Account Management team. I work with our clients and the rest of the Intalytics team to ensure we deliver products, services, and analytical insights that meet or exceed our client’s expectations. I specialize working with clients specifically in the retail, restaurant, and service sectors.
What does a typical day look like?
During a typical day, I will work with several clients on delivering analytical insights. This ranges from reviewing the results of a customer profile, sharing the critical drivers of unit performance from sales modeling, and customizing our SiteIntel platform’s deployment.
What do you love about your role?
I love answering our clients’ questions about their business and giving them confidence in their decision-making. I enjoy working with a range of clients from QSR (Quick Service Retail) brands all the way to a tattoo removal company based out of Austin, Texas.
I also love working beside some of the most talented people in the location intelligence industry.
Tell us about your journey with Kalibrate
I joined Intalytics for three reasons. First, I wanted the opportunity to work with various clients to help them with location-based decisions.
In my role, I can spend the morning working with a client on developing a market strategy for a healthcare firm and, in the afternoon, working to define the customer profile for a QSR. Second, the opportunity to work with the most talented people in the location intelligence field. Finally, I was excited about Intalytics becoming part of Kalibrate which will further expand our capabilities for our clients.
What do you think are the greatest challenges and opportunities facing retailers/restaurants?
I have worked for several retailers over the last 20 years and have seen a tremendous change in how retailers interact and engage with their customers. In the previous five years, the pace has accelerated. One of the biggest challenges is keeping the customer engaged with their brand as the market changes.
From a brick & mortar perspective, how does a retailer fully leverage the power of the store? With change comes opportunity. I believe the retailers that know how to fully leverage their store network to increase engagement and deliver better service will have the chance to gain significant market share.
Where do you see the retail/restaurant sectors heading?
I see the retail industry continuing to innovate as customer preferences change how they want to engage with retail brands. As engagement changes, it will cause retailers to think differently about their locations and their role in the customer journey.
Brian will be speaking at the 2022 PopStats Research Conference in March on the topic of “Omnichannel Analysis – Approaches in Measuring the Interaction Between Store and eCommerce Sales.”
If you want to link out to the conference, here is the page:
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